2.1 What is it?

mFTP is an advanced FTP client for the Amiga computer. It allows simultaneous transfer to and from local and remote servers and any one point in time. mFTP contains more advanced features such as enhanced ADT support, the ability to manipulate an independent batch window (even during file transfer) and much more. We believe the beauty of mFTP lies within the design.

How did we get started? Michael Neuweiler worked on the original mFTP way back in 1994 (!), started work on mFTP II in 1996, but then was sidetracked due to commitments with NetConnect and Genesis.

In early 1999 Michael started working on mFTP II, for the first time in three years and recently after starting to work full time at Hewlett Packard. Michael found he didn't have enough time for mFTP II development, so Jamie van den Berge took over development in June 1999.

2.2 System Requirements

1MB of free memory2MB of free memory
1MB hard drive space2MB hard drive space
68000 processor68030 processor
Workbench 3.0Workbench 3.1
MUI v3.8MUI 3.8